Set years prior to the events of the previous "Gears of War" trilogy, "Judgment" centers on Kilo Squad, a troop of soldiers led by Damon Baird and Augustus "The Cole Train" Cole. They are joined by newcomers to the "Gears" series Sofia Hendrick and Garron Paduk, as they attempt to save the besieged city of Halvo Bay from a terrifying new enemy.
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Gears of War: Judgment” introduces a new Smart Spawn System [S3] for both campaign and multiplayer action. This new system ensures each encounter is unique and new, as types, timing and locations of enemies change with each new encounter.
Follow Kilo Squad, led by Damon Baird and Augustus The Cole Train Cole, as they fight to save the city of Halvo Bay from an unstoppable enemy in the most intense Gears game yet. Gears of War: Judgment introduces a variety of new multiplayer experiences, including OverRun, a thrilling new class-based competitive mode that will pit Locust and COG soldiers in a head-to-head battle unlike anything Gears fans have experienced yet. Gears of War Triple Pack
You'll get two great games in this package, and even at full MSRP, it is a great deal. Two games which were originally $59.99 and a DLC pack which would run you $10 itself. With reviews of 94 and 93 of 100 on, they're both great fun games. With the first game, you'd be getting a stale multiplayer, but with the second one, you'd be getting an active online community and frequent Bonus Experience Points events.
Gears of War: Judgment" delivers a riveting game play experience that gets back to basics and captures the true essence of "Gears" combat, and introduces a new style of combat that's faster-paced and more action packed than ever before.
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